Thursday, November 30, 2006


Market Park Saved?

The sometimes maligned Perth and Kinross council have won much support in Crieff with their announcement today that they will not relinquish the lease of the Market Park, which runs until 2043. The vast majority of the community have applauded this decision.

A "spokesman" for Crieff Highland Gathering Limited made a typically pompous statement to the Strathearn Herald, bemoaning the fact that the council dared to make a statement without consulting them, delusions of grandeur?

Paul Turek remains Chairman of the "Games Committee" the Vice Chairman is John McWilliam, although Colin Grassick is the de facto mouthpiece. Local opinion is, whatever their titles they are worked from behind by Spencer Cooper, the property developer. John McWilliam is expected to be announced as Chairman from 2007, subject of course to Spencers approval. John is a police officer, so at least the community have the reassurance that he'll keep an eye out for brown envelopes and conflicts of interest. We don't know how John feels about working for Spencer , but perhaps the benefits outweigh any concerns.

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